We are proud to be one of many excellent woodworking schools around the U.S.
Each of these schools offers a variety of courses that promote our shared craft.
Website: www.woodschool.org
Address: 25 Mill Street
Rockport, Maine 04856
Phone: 207-594-5611
Email: cfc@woodschool.org
Website: www.schoolofwoodwork.com
Address: 1609 N. Franklin Street
Tampa, FL, 33602
Phone: 813-223-3490
Website: thekrenovschool.org
Address: 440 Alger Street
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Phone: 707-964-7056
Email: woodshop@mcn.org
Website: www.philadelphiafurnitureworkshop.com
Address: 5212 Pulaski Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: 215-849-5174
Email: philadelphiafurnitureworkshop@gmail.com
Website: www.ptwoodschool.org
Classrooms: Fort Worden State Park Classrooms
Buildings 315 & 304
Office: 200 Battery Way
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone: 360-344-4455
Email: info@ptwoodschool.org
Website: roberto-venn.com
Address: 1012 Grand Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-243-1179
Email: info@roberto-venn.com