Get the sharpest tool in the shed!
Sharp cutting tools are essential to precision woodworking, and yet very few woodworkers know how to sharpen their own hand saws.
And for good reason: it’s tricky! It’s easy to be overwhelmed with terms like fleam angle, rake angle, and file card, but learning to sharpen your own saws is both possible and worthwhile because it will ultimately save you time and money, and put you in control of your own tools.
Master Craftsman Randy Gengarelly keeps his own tools in tiptop shape and he will teach you how to do the same for yours.
This is a three-week course, with class one evening per week, so you have time to practice what you’ve learned before the next session, when we’ll discuss and diagnose any problems you might encounter along the way.
We encourage you to bring your own saws but we will have additional saws available for practice.
Schedule: Tuesday evenings, July 18, July 25, and August 1 from 6 to 9 p.m.
Prerequisite: None. Open to all skill levels.
Tools required: You are encouraged to bring your own saws, however the school will also supply saws for practice.
You will learn:
- terminology and methods for sharpening saws
- what files you need for sharpening
- how to make jigs to use with the files
- how to make a saw vise
- how to sharpen rip teeth
- how to sharpen cross-cut teeth
- how to add “set”
- Plus Randy’s best tips and tricks for sharpening success
Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn what even many pro woodworkers don’t know!
Please read and understand our Refund and Cancellation policies. By making payment you acknowledge that you have read and understood these policies.
Eye, hearing and dust protection are required in the machine room or when operating machines in the bench room.
Long sleeves and loose-fitting clothing are not allowed around the power equipment. Long hair must be pulled back and secured.
Closed-toe shoes are required. Open-toed shoes or sandals are not allowed.
COVID Policy: Masks are optional, however, if you are exhibiting symptoms of any contagious illness or if you have had a positive test for COVID or influenza within the past 5 days, please notify the school and do not attend class.
Thank you for your understanding.