Design, turn, and finish a beautiful bowl — in just one day!
Matt Monaco, a modern master of turning and a favorite SWSW instructor leads this one-day workshop where you will discover the joy of shaping wood on the lathe.
You will gain skills and confidence as you create a beautiful and functional bowl and learn the basics of turning along the way.
You will learn:
- Proper use and application of the lathe and tools
- Turning with the chuck
- Proper use of a bowl gouge
- Refining a bowl
- Surface preparation
- Finishing a turned surface
Prerequisites: None. Open to beginners.
Tools required: All tools and materials supplied by the school.
Please bring ear and eye protection and a properly-fitting face mask that covers your nose and mouth.
Please read and understand our Refund and Cancellation policies. By making payment you acknowledge that you have read and understood these policies.
Please note: If you are paying by cash or check, your registration is not complete until payment is received.
Eye, hearing and dust protection are required when machines are operating.
Long sleeves and loose-fitting clothing are not allowed around the power equipment. Long hair must be pulled back and secured.
Closed-toe shoes are required. Open-toed shoes or sandals are not allowed.
Illness: Currently there no COVID restrictions in place, however, if you are exhibiting symptoms of any contagious illness or if you have had a positive test for COVID or influenza within the past 5 days, please notify the school and do not attend class.
Thank you for your understanding.

Meet your Instructor
Professional woodturner Matt Monaco produces beautifully crafted bowls, plates, and platters from his studio in the Ozark region of Missouri. Combining thoughtful design and precise technique, Matt uses a standard lathe and turning tools to produce wood pieces that echo the precision and elegance of traditional pottery, creating a unique style that he rightfully describes as “wood-carved pottery.”
As the founder and owner of Monaco Bowls, Matt designs and creates turned products for homeowners, gallery buyers, museum stores, and interior designers. In addition to 19 years of turning experience he produces his own work, and demonstrates for national wood turning clubs of the AAW, and teaches at woodworking schools across the country.